Religious Organizations > Couples for Christ - Foundation for Family and Life
Couples for Christ
Foundation for Family and Life

The Couples For Christ Foundation for Family & Life (CFCFFL) is a gathering of Christian believers having evangelization and family life renewal as its main focus. CFCFFL is a missionary body, and the families that make up this association are to be families that will be instruments of the Holy Spirit in renewing the face of the earth. Although it is based in the Philippines, the membership is also spread throughout the world having members in all continents. It was formed in Manila, Philippines on July 30, 2007 by Frank Padilla, whom many Bishops regard as the founder (charism bearer) of Couples For Christ, a private lay organization duly recognized by the Vatican for which he has been recognized as its Director.
Rey & Mavic Arambulo
CFC-FFL Manitoba Area Servant (204-334-9428)
Romy & Rose Suban
CFC-FFL WFL "PROLIFE Coordinator" (204-633-1688)
Rey & Mavic Arambulo
CFC-FFL SvFL & HFL" Servants & Handmaids Coordinator" (204-334-9428)
Jim & Eva Francisco
CFC-FFL SFL"Singles Coordinator" (204-955-2923)
Jake & Pia Dava
CFC-FFL YFL "Youth Coordinator" (204-294-9811)
Boy & Josie Pineda
CFC-FFL KFL 'Kids Coordinator" (204-293-6021)
Frank Garrido
CFC-FFL Parish "Pastoral Council Member" (204-633-9188)
Vision/Mission Statement and Objectives
a. Vision Mission
This vision mission statement has been formulated as a result of the survey questionnaire we did sometime in October 2006. This includes objectives and the plans of action based on five (6) areas of concern; Worship, Education, Service, Temporalities, Organizing and Youth (WESTOY) Apostolates. Part of the plan of action is the building of a new Church for God in the service of the Christian community of St. Peter. The plan to build a new Church or at least enlarging it was initiated by Rev. Fr. Jery Ward sometime in 1996 and was continued by Rev. Fr. Wayne Morrisey. We thank God for the gift of their foresight for this need of the parish.
St. Peter's Parish Vision/Mission Statement
We, the Parishioners of St. Peter's Church, created according to God's image and likeness (Genesis 1: 27); uniquely gifted with Time, Talents and Treasures; inspired and strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit; are committed to build a vibrant family-oriented Christian Community, that is united in Love and in Service. (John 17: 21)
b. Objectives
- To develop a sense of belonging through the sharing of Time, Talents and Treasures (the 3 T's).
- To empower the faithful to a more active, conscious and full participation in the Parish Ministries.
- To provide opportunities for Spiritual growth – maturity of faith.
- To be consciously and charitably generous to less blessed people, individuals and the Christian Community.
- To cooperate and coordinate actively in the implementation of the Archdiocesan pastoral concerns of:
- 1. Liturgical Renewal
- 2. Faith Education
- 3. Christian Stewardship