Religious Organizations > Friends of Jesus Charismatic Community
Friends of Jesus Charismatic Community

The Friends of Jesus Community
The friends of Jesus the Delight of God Community is a
Catholic Covenant Community established in
Our belief is that community life is grounded in commitment. This commitment is said in public, signed and laid on the altar. It is a promise to commit one’s entire being to God, following the teaching of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The community’s way of life provides the atmosphere for members to change and grow in grace. Our desire is to be disciples on mission together.
All members are encouraged to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and express this commitment in the following:
- Daily Prayer
- Weekly prayer meeting of the community
- Attend group meeting with the pastoral leader
- Be of service to the needs of the community by sharing time, talent, and resources.
- Be faithful to the teaching of the Catholic church as expressed in the Bible and Tradition (teaching authority of the church)
All members are encouraged to bring to the Lord their family, friends and relatives to attend the weekly prayer meeting so that they can be drawn closer to the Lord with the “charismatic dimension”.
Vision/Mission Statement and Objectives
a. Vision Mission
This vision mission statement has been formulated as a result of the survey questionnaire we did sometime in October 2006. This includes objectives and the plans of action based on five (6) areas of concern; Worship, Education, Service, Temporalities, Organizing and Youth (WESTOY) Apostolates. Part of the plan of action is the building of a new Church for God in the service of the Christian community of St. Peter. The plan to build a new Church or at least enlarging it was initiated by Rev. Fr. Jery Ward sometime in 1996 and was continued by Rev. Fr. Wayne Morrisey. We thank God for the gift of their foresight for this need of the parish.
St. Peter's Parish Vision/Mission Statement
We, the Parishioners of St. Peter's Church, created according to God's image and likeness (Genesis 1: 27); uniquely gifted with Time, Talents and Treasures; inspired and strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit; are committed to build a vibrant family-oriented Christian Community, that is united in Love and in Service. (John 17: 21)
b. Objectives
- To develop a sense of belonging through the sharing of Time, Talents and Treasures (the 3 T's).
- To empower the faithful to a more active, conscious and full participation in the Parish Ministries.
- To provide opportunities for Spiritual growth – maturity of faith.
- To be consciously and charitably generous to less blessed people, individuals and the Christian Community.
- To cooperate and coordinate actively in the implementation of the Archdiocesan pastoral concerns of:
- 1. Liturgical Renewal
- 2. Faith Education
- 3. Christian Stewardship